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But just to get started, the first thing I tell everyone to do, If and when you see a Goat off, i.e. tail down, humped up, not eating.  Take their temperature, using a rectal thermometer.  We get them at Wal Mart. I like to see 102.5.  I will normally NOT give them any antibiotics unless I see at least a 104 and usually not until I see 105 and up.  There are always exceptions.  I will definitely be watching them closely.  
Just last night, 10 Jan 2009, I applied my exception, found a 115 lb. Buck humped up shaking, we have been very blessed in 2008, this has been the first time in along time to experience this.  We do vaccinate for pneumonia with the Super Poly Bac B Somnus.  But the weather has been as many of your's has been 60 deg one day and in the teens the next.  His temp was 103.8, it was getting dark, he seemed to have a rattle so I treated him with:
6 CC of Nuflor, 10 CC of Long Acting Penicillin, couple of hours later, did not see an improvement, so gave him 10 CC of Polyserum , 1 1/4 CC of Banamine and then 3 CC's of Thiamine by mouth.  He does seem to be doing better this morning.  Honestly we have not ruled out that he may have gotten injured during bucks playing. 
VACCINATION'S:  We vaccinate for 3 things and we start this when the kids are 3 months old. 
CL Autogenous:  We give 1 CC initial dose then a 1 CC booster dose in approx. 2  - 3 weeks.
The autogenous is a vaccine that we had made, this is our 3rd batch.  There is a commercial vaccine, Case Bac made by Colorado Serum that is made for Sheep and you have to use at your own risk, we have used it.
Super Poly Bac B Somnus:  We give this for pneumonia, a 1 CC initial dose and a 1/2 CC booster dose in approx. 2  - 3 weeks.
Calvary 9:  We give this for the C & D Colstridials and teatnus.  1 CC initial dose and a 1 CC booster dose in 2 - 3 weeks.  We have used Covexin 8 for many, many years, we are just trying the Calvary 9 due to hearing you get less shot reaction knots.
Poly Serum or Bovi Sera
C & D Anti Toxin
500 MG Thiamine
Penicillin, both types long acting and regular
LA 200 or one of the generic forms of oxy-tetracycline
Scour Halt (for diarreah)
Ferrodex (for anemia)
B12 3000 mcg (for anemia)
We like Fortified Vitamin B Complex:  It has 100 mg of Thiamine and 100 mcg of B12.  You could deal with this for Thiamine needs if you do not have the 500 MG Thiamine that you get from your vet.
We like B-Complex-Plus:  This has 1000 mcg of B12.  But, we feel still best to get the 3000 mcg B12 from your Vet.
We DO NOT like Vitamin B Complex, when you see 12.5 mg of Thiamine, and 5.0 mcg of B12 that pretty much alerts me to NOT worth the effort.
We get his at Wal Mart, Gel Caps, 400 MG.  We may use this if we feel the immune system needs a boost.  If you have a new born goat with weak legs and give Bo Se, then we would also give a vitamin E Capsule.  Just cut the tip off and you can squirt it in the mouth OR put in a syringe (without a needle) and use that to give orally.
DISCLAIMER:  We ARE NOT Vets, just sharing information that we have used and has worked for us.  I must give much credit to Coni Ross in Blanco Texas for much of this information.  She is not a Vet either, but has tons of experience, 100's of goats, and has taught Vets.  We had goats at least 10 years prior to meeting Coni and we survived with Penicillin, LA 200, Pepto Bismol and Nutri Drench, but she has introduced us to many more meds and a better understanding of Goats Health.


Bear Creek Boers

Freman and Connie Elam
Lebanon, MO

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