Bear Creek BC P1330, Sired by BC M1220 Dream Chaser and out of BC M1253 Adeline. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC N1290 Sired by BC K1153 Seabiscuit and out of BC M1223 Claire. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC P1333 Sired by BC M1230 Traveler and out of BC M1256 Sydney. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC P1329 Sired by BC M1220 and out of BC M1253 Adeline. Staying in MO.
Bear Creek BC N1284 Sired by BC M1220 and out of BC G1029 Harambe's Ms Merkle. Heading to CA
Bear Creek BC P1313 Sired by BC N1267 Lucas and out of BC M1254 Kinslie. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC P1320 Sired by BC M1220 Dream Chaser and out of BC M1238. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC P1335 Sired by BC M1220 Dream Chaser and out of BC M1217. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC P1318 Sired by BC L1201 Argos Karma and out of BC N1257. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC P1323 Sired by BC M1220 Dream Chaser and out of BC M1232. Heading to KS
Bear Creek BC P1321 Sired by BC M1220 Dream Chaser and out of BC M1238 Kylie. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC P1331 Sired by BC M1230 Traveler and out of BC M1245. Heading to KS
Bear Creek BC L1185 Sired by BC E894 Harambe and out of BC G1069. Heading to KS
Bear Creek BC M1222 Sired by MCR Let R' Rip and out of BC F928 Thunder's Autumn Sun.
Bear Creek BC P1315 Sired by BC N1267 Lucas and out of BC M1254. Heading to KS
Bear Creek BC P1327 sired by BC M1330 Traveler and out of BC M1249. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC N1279 sired by BC BC L1201 Argos Karma and out of BC L1191. Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC N1310 sired by BC L1193 Main Man and out of BC G1069 Joshua's Legend.Staying in MO
Bear Creek BC N1286 sired by BC L1201 Argos Karma and out of BC M1216 Tabitha. Staying in MO