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Boer Goats For Sale in Missouri

We use this page to list our Boer Goats For Sale.
If you are interested in our Boer Goats for sale, Please fill out our contact form or send us an email.
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Doe Kids and Older Does LIST

Boer Goat Doe

Doe Kids and Older Does LIST - Boer Goat Doe
Does with kids born Dec 24 and Jan 25. Picture taken 27 Feb 2025.

Doe Kids and Older Does LIST - Boer Goat Doe
Doe Kids Born in Dec 23 AND April 24. The Keepers. Picture taken 30 Dec 24.

Doe Kids and Older Does LIST - Boer Goat Doe
Doe Kids Born in Dec 23 AND April 24. The Keepers. Picture taken 30 Dec 24.

This is JUST A LIST;  Individual records/pictures IF on here yet, will be farther down the website on their own record.

ALL Doe Kids born in Dec 23 thru March 24 have been SOLD.   The 2024/2025 kidding started on 14 December 2024 so, we should have some kids to offer around 1 April 2025.  

31 January 2025 UPDATE:  Started adding some of our older does that are for sale.  There will be MORE.  

1069   850.00
1084 1500.00
1085 1500.00
1116 1500.00
1136 1500.00
1188   650.00
1202 1250.00
1221 1250.00
1253 1500.00
1257    950.00  IS ready to go to new home.

SCROLL around to see Pictures and INFO!!

PLUS MORE will be added.

Goat 101 Financials:    Hey, just going to share some thoughts for you to consider:   You could purchase a CD for $5000.00 and hope you get 6% interest.  That should give you at least $300.00 for the year.  OR If you purchased 4 Does for $5000.00.   Kid them out, you should get 8 kids.  Lots of scenarios, BUT, we will be cheap and just figure you get 4 kids and sell them cheap for near sale barn prices of $500.00 each.  Thus $2000.00.  

Livestock is gambling, but, odds are usually in your favor.

To check what we have available, please just send us an e-mail or give us a call.  

417-532-6056 in Lebanon, MO
OR Click on the Contact Page

Bear Creek BC 2023 December AND March - April 2024 Bucks Keep Scrolling to See Individual Records

Boer Goat Buck

Bear Creek BC  2023 December  AND March - April  2024 Bucks Keep Scrolling to See Individual Records - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek Bucks born in Dec 23. ALSO Does in the lower left.

Bear Creek BC  2023 December  AND March - April  2024 Bucks Keep Scrolling to See Individual Records - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek Bucks born in March 2022. Picture taken 14 April 2023.

Bear Creek BC  2023 December  AND March - April  2024 Bucks Keep Scrolling to See Individual Records - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek Bucks born in March 2022. Picture taken 14 April 2023.

Just e-mail us; call us or use the contact page to schedule a farm visit to come and check them out.

417-532-6056 in Lebanon, MO
OR Click on the Contact Page

JUST INFORMATION:  Please know that the pictures of Bucks up above on this page that were born in March 2022, are NOT available AND left on here "simply" to give you an idea of what you may expect to see when Bucks are nearing a year old.  Scroll on down to see the ones FOR SALE NOW.  THEN, keep scrolling to see individual pictures and information on each Buck.  NOT all are pictured, but, we are working on that.

The Bucks born in Dec 23 thru April 24 have ALL been sold.  We started kidding 14 Dec 2024, so, we should have some Buck Kids to offer around 1 April 2025. 

We have 1 older wether to offer as a companion animal, brush eater OR for meat.  1332 was born 4 April 2024, weighed 87 lbs. on 10 Dec 2024.  $300.00

UPDATE 1/24/25:  Just added a wether born 15 Dec 2024 (1343) to the wether for sale page for $650.00.  ALSO (1359) born 11 Jan 2025 has been added to the Buck for sale Page as a commercial buck OR wether for $750.00.

UPDATE 20 September 2022:  I wrote the Commercial Goat Operation 101 in 2020, see below.  Lots of changes have happened in the market, most of them good.  I have not changed the numbers, but, you will get the idea.  A good Buck will pay for himself!!!

Commercial Goat Operation 101 

Consider your Kids normally weigh 50 lbs. when 3 months old

New Buck cost $1500.00

Your Kids from new Buck now weigh 60 lbs. when 3 months old

Market price is $3.00 per lb.  UPDATE 03/28/2021 GREAT NEWS:   I wrote this in 2020, this year 2021 I first heard price of $4.10 THEN heard $6.00 a pound.  WOW a great time to be raising goats.  

You sell 50 kids:  you now have i.e.  50 kids X 10 lbs = 500 MORE  lbs to sell @ $3.00 per lb.

This equals $1500.00, so your Buck is paid for the first year .

This is just stuff to think about, your kids could weigh even more and/or you may have to upgrade some of your Doe’s to get where you want to go.    If fast weight gain is your goal, it is cheaper to feed a good goat than a bad one.  PLUS even your labor should be cut in half if you are selling kids at 3 months instead of 6 months.  One more thing, you may want to pull the top kids and offer them as show prospects to the 4-H and FFA kids and that could easily pay for new buck #2.  There are NO guarantees when raising Livestock except that someday they will die.   A lot depends on weather, management and so much more, it is a continued learning experience.  We wish all Goat Ranchers many Blessings and the very Best Experience.  We always welcome questions about raising goats and are very willing to share our experiences with you!!!!

Bear Creek BC G1069

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $850.00
Born: 12/18/2017
Sire: STCRF Jazz
Dam: Bear Creek BC Z471 Daisy May

Bear Creek BC G1069 - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC G1069 Joshua's Legend. Picture taken 10 March 2025.

Bear Creek BC G1069 - Boer Goat Doe
.Bear Creek BC G1069 Joshua's Legend Picture Pedigree

Bear Creek BC G1069 Joshua's Legend Reg # 10808656.  She has been a great producer, produced 14 kids, twins and triplets.  Gave us a single Doe on 21 Dec 2024.  She will NOT be ready to leave the Farm until mid March 2025.


SGG Next Dimension (OT) *Ennobled*
TST1 Windy Acres Dynamic Dimension (OG) *Ennobled*
TST1 Windy Acres Daddy's Girl
QB Quality Boer Godiva Diamond
QB RRD Quality Boer Ruger Dan *Ennobled*

Bear Creek BC G1069

DSM Richard *Ennobled*

Bear Creek BC W213 Joshua

Bear Creek BC Z471 Daisy May


Bear Creek BC W303 Renna
FSE 5026

Bear Creek BC H1084 Wild Rose

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $1500.00
Born: 13 December 2018
Sire: Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe
Dam: Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower

Bear Creek BC H1084 Wild Rose - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC H1084 Honeysuckle Ros Picture taken 28 Jan 25

Bear Creek BC H1084 Wild Rose - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC L1189 Honeysuckle Ros Picture Pedigree

Wild Rose has been a top producer for us, her Doe Bear Creek L1189 Honeysuckle Ros was the Overall Grand Champion Doe at the 2022 Ozark Empire Fair in Springfield, MO.  She should be staying, BUT, we "seriously" need to cut our numbers.  Due to kidding on 10 Jan 2025, she is NOT ready to get on your trailer, but, should be ready by late March 2025.


BNMG Bar None 5's Jack Blue (OT)
Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)
Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe
Bear Creek BC X387 Rainsong
Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown
TLB 9004
Bear Creek BC W308 Cathie

Bear Creek BC H1084 Wild Rose

ZA Z01 Maximizer (SQ) *Ennobled*

ADVBG Hatchet (SQ)

Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower

ADVBG My Girl (OT) *Ennobled*

Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream
Jester AABG Steam Roller *Ennobled*
Bear Creek BC W309 Kayla

Bear Creek BC H1085 Harambe's Mercy Me

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $1500.00
Born: 13 Dec 2018
Sire: Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe
Dam: Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower

Bear Creek BC H1085 Harambe's Mercy Me - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC H1085 Harambe's Mercy Me with her Doe and Buck. Picture taken 27 Feb 2025.

Mercy Me has a good bite and 1 teat on each side.  She has been a great producer!!  Her Bucks have sold for $2500.00 - and $2250.00 Traveler was the high selling Buck that lots of folks liked and he went to CO but we used him before he left and he was a great producer for us.  He did accumulate 5 show points.

I had forgot, BUT, yes we showed Mercy Me and she had 3rd, 4th and 5th placings.  

I will NOT post her picture pedigree, scroll back up to her sister 1084's page  to see it.

We showed her daughter Bear Creek BC N1277 Flying Nun last year and she placed 5th and 6th out of 23 and 22 entries at the MO State Fair.  She is in our keeper pen.


BNMG Bar None 5's Jack Blue (OT)
Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)
Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe
Bear Creek BC X387 Rainsong
Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown
TLB 9004
Bear Creek BC W308 Cathie

Bear Creek BC H1085 Harambe's Mercy Me

ZA Z01 Maximizer (SQ) *Ennobled*

ADVBG Hatchet (SQ)

Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower

ADVBG My Girl (OT) *Ennobled*

Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream
Jester AABG Steam Roller *Ennobled*
Bear Creek BC W309 Kayla

Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $1500.00
Born: 5 January 2019
Sire: Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)
Dam: Bear Creek BC B590 Cheetah

Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride. Picture taken 27 July 2024.

Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride. Picture taken 29 Jan 2025.

Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride Picture Pedigree. With a younger picture of her.

Hey, if you like them big, her kids can get there.  Take a look at 1253 her daughter also being offered for sale.  Cheetah's Pride weighed 200 lbs. on 24 January 2025.  That was after she kidded on 19 December 2024 with a Buck and Doe.  She produces good kids, her 2 Bucks 1197 and 1198 sold for $2500.00 EACH in 2022.    Her Dam 590 Cheetah was one of our Show Does and was also a big framed doe.  She is currently feeding her kids so NOT ready to leave the farm yet, BUT, should be ready around mid March 2025.


BNMG Bar None 5's Jack Blue (OT)
Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)
Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)
Bear Creek BC X387 Rainsong
Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown
TLB 9004
Bear Creek BC W308 Cathie

Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride

AABG Status Quo *Ennobled*

Jester AABG Steam Roller *Ennobled*

Bear Creek BC B590 Cheetah

RR3 River Ridge's W741

Bear Creek BC X320 Cyber Girl
Bear Creek BC W213 Joshua
Bear Creek BC T80 Molly

Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $1500.00
Born: 14 December 2019
Sire: Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe
Dam: Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower

Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess. Picture taken 27 July 2024.

Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess. Picture taken 27 July 2024.

Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess. Picture taken 3 Feb 2025.

I just noticed that she has produced ALL Does!!!  She gave 2 Does on 11 March 2021; 2 Does on 24 Dec 2021; AND 2 Does on 14 Dec 2022.  She has a good bite and 1 teat on each side.  She did NOT kid in 2023. 

UPDATE 4 February 2025:  The Doe Fairy went on vacation and Princess kidded with 2 Bucks on 15 Dec 2024.


BNMG Bar None 5's Jack Blue (OT)
Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)
Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe
Bear Creek BC X387 Rainsong
Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown
TLB 9004
Bear Creek BC W308 Cathie

Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess

ZA Z01 Maximizer (SQ) *Ennobled*

ADVBG Hatchet (SQ)

Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower

ADVBG My Girl (OT) *Ennobled*

Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream
Jester AABG Steam Roller *Ennobled*
Bear Creek BC W309 Kayla

Bear Creek BC L1188 Petunia

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $650.00
Born: 20 December 2021
Sire: MCR Let R' Rip(SQ)
Dam: Bear Creek BC H1084 Wild Rose

Bear Creek BC L1188 Petunia - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC L1188 Petunia picture taken 10 March 2025.

Bear Creek BC L1188 Petunia - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC L1188 Petunia Picture Pedigree.

Petunia reg # 10966229 gave us twins on 20 Feb 2023; a single on 11 Dec 2023 and a single Buck on 17 Dec 2024.  She has always been one of those with the big rumen that folks always think she is bred, BUT, it never seems to bother her, she eats grass and should have many years left to produce.  She is a great mom her son is definitely a  mommas boy.  So, she is NOT ready to leave the farm just yet, but, can leave in March 2025.


MCR White Lightnin (SQ)
MCR Dark Whiskey (SQ)
MCR Let R' Rip(SQ)
MCR Nothing Left To Say
MCR Moonlight Desire (SQ_
NF3 Newton Farms Wow Factor F155 (SQ_
AABG NBD Sugar Plum

Bear Creek BC L1188 Petunia

Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)

Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)

Bear Creek BC H1084 Wild Rose

Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown

Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower
ADVBG Hatchet (SQ)
Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream

Bear Creek BC L1202 Stardust

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $1250.00
Born: 24 Dec 2021
Sire: MCR Let R' Rip (SQ)
Dam: Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess

Bear Creek BC L1202 Stardust - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC L1202 Picture taken 28 Jan 2025.

Bear Creek BC L1202 Stardust - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC L1202 Stardust when around 6 months old.

Bear Creek BC L1202 Stardust - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC L1202 Stardust Picture Pedigree.

1202 was a twin.  She has a good bite and 1 big and 1 small teat widely separated on each side  She delivered tripletts on 22 Dec 2023 and twins on 22 Dec 2024.  She will be ready to leave the Farm around mid March 2025.


MCR White Lightnin (SQ) *Ennobled*
MCR Dark Whiskey (SQ)
MCR Let R' Rip (SQ)
MCR Nothing Left to Say
MCR Moonlight Desire (SQ)
NF3 Newton Farms Wow Factor F155 (SQ)
AABG NBD Sugar Plum

Bear Creek BC L1202 Stardust

Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)

Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)

Bear Creek BC J1136 Sheeza Princess

Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown

Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower
ADVBG Hatchet (SQ)
Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream

Bear Creek BC M1221 Stealth Angel

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $1250.00
Born: 20 March 2022
Sire: 203CB Whiskey Tango (SQ)
Dam: Bear Creek BC K1164 Dream Angel

Bear Creek BC M1221 Stealth Angel - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creej BC M1221 Stealth Angel. Picture taken 28 January 2025.

Bear Creek BC M1221 Stealth Angel - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC M1221 Stealth Angel Picture Pedigree

Angel was a twin, she has 2 teats widely separated on each side.  She kidded on 26 Feb 2023; 9 Dec 2023 and 30 Dec 2024.  Her kids that have been sold averaged 1080.00 each.  She will be ready to leave the Farm late March 2025.


CSB Broken S Smokin Hot Ruger (OT) *Ennobled*
Quality Boer SLF Smokin Hot Chance *Ennobled*
203CB Whiskey Tango (SQ)
QB Quality Boer Missy *Ennobled*
CR Boers Top Shelf
Show Me Boers A10
Show Me Boers Beretta XX-Treme

Bear Creek BC M1221 Stealth Angel

Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)

Bear Creek BC G1068 Harambes Dream Maker (SQ)** Ennobled**

Bear Creek BC K1164 Dream Angel

Bear Creek BC C731 Southern Bell

Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream
Bear Creek BC D827 Gator's Dundee
Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream

Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $1500.00
Born: 16 December 2022
Sire: Bear Creek BC L1201 Argo's Karma
Dam: Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride

Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline. Picture taken 28 January 2025.

Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline Picture Pedigree.

Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline with one of her Bucks. Picture taken 27 Feb 2025.

Adeline Reg # 10948185 kidded with twins on 20 March 2024 and again on 11 January 2025.  She will NOT be ready to leave until mid March 2025.


MCR Dark Whiskey (SQ_
MCR Let R' Rip (PQ)
Bear Creek BC L1201 Argo's Karma
MCR Moonlight Desire (SQ)
Bear Creek BC E896 Argo's Cassidy
Bear Creek BC D817 Argo (OT)
Bear Creek BC X379 Amanda

Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline

Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)

Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)

Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride

Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown

Bear Creek BC B590 Cheetah
Jester AABG Steam Roller *Ennobled*
Bear Creek BC X320 Cyber Girl

Bear Creek BC N1257 Savannah

Boer Goat Doe
Price: $950.00
Born: 01 January 2023
Sire: Bear Creek BC K1153 Seabiscuit
Dam: Bear Creek BC K1157 Mona Lisa

Bear Creek BC N1257 Savannah - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC N1257 Savanna. Picture taken 28 January 2025.

Bear Creek BC N1257 Savannah - Boer Goat Doe
Bear Creek BC N1257 Savanna Picture Pedigree

Savanna Reg # 10942759 was bred when 9 months old and produced a single Buck on 10 March 2024.  This year she had a single buck on 16 January 2025 that she lost due to NO fault of her own.  I believe something was just NOT right with him.  THUS we are offering her for sale.  She was a very, very attentive mom and we felt so very sorry for her.  BUT, here is YOUR chance, she is very young and should have many years ahead of her to get it right.  She has a great pedigree, 1153 Seabiscuit was her sire and her Dam 1157 Mona Lisa was bred to our new Buck and has produced a Buck (1355) on 6 Jan 2025 that is on the top of my keeper list.  


Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)
Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)
Bear Creek BC K1153 Seabiscuit
Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown
Bear Creek BC D826 Gator's Scarlett
Bear Creek BC A580 Smokin Hot Gator
Bear Creek BC A531 Mikayla

Bear Creek BC N1257 Savannah

Bear Creek BC B698 Joshua's Reflection (SQ)

Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)

Bear Creek BC K1157 Mona Lisa

Bear Creek BC Z465 Cathie's Clown

Bear Creek BC F935 Hatchet's Wildflower
ADVBG Hatchet (SQ)
Bear Creek BC D766 Sheeza Dream

Bear Creek BC P1339

Boer Goat Buck
Price: $850.00
Born: 14 Dec 2024
Sire: Bear Creek BC N1284 Legend
Dam: Bear Creek BC K1170 Day Dreamin

Bear Creek BC P1339 - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek BC P1339 picture taken 15 Mar 2025.

Bear Creek BC P1339 - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek BC P1339 picture taken 21 Feb 2025.

Bear Creek BC P1339 - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek BC P1339 picture taken 21 Feb 2025.

1339 was a twin, he is a Fullblood Boer and is being offered as a commercial buck due to having a folded ear.  He will sell with an application to register with ABGA. IF you are looking to add some meat and bone to your herd, check him out.  He is being offered at a  wether price of $850.00 reduced from the normal $1500 - $2500.00 range.  We will weigh him on 24 Feb 2024, but, I can tell he will be one of the top gainers.  Take a look at the 3rd picture of him and you will see he is checking out the girls.

UPDATE 25 Feb 2025:  1339 weighed 54 lbs. on 24 Feb 2025 giving him a .64 average daily weight gain.


203CB Whiskey Tango (SQ)
Bear Creek BC M1220 Dream Chaser
Bear Creek BC N1284 Legend
Bear Creek BC K1164 Dream Angel
Bear Creek BC G1029 Harambe's Ms Merkle
Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)
Bear Creek BC Z428 Megan

Bear Creek BC P1339

Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)

Bear Creek BC G1068 Harambes Dream Maker (SQ)** Ennobled**

Bear Creek BC K1170 Day Dreamin

Bear Creek BC C731 Southern Bell

Bear Creek BC G1069 Joshua's Legend
Bear Creek BC Z471 Daisy May

Bear Creek BC R1359

Boer Goat Buck
Price: $750.00
Born: 11 Jan 2025
Sire: KMSL ROR1 Smoke Show
Dam: Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline

Bear Creek BC R1359 - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek BC R1359. Picture taken 20 Jan 2025.

Bear Creek BC R1359 - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek BC P1359 picture taken 24 Feb 2025.

Bear Creek BC R1359 - Boer Goat Buck
Bear Creek BC P1359 with his Dam. Picture taken 27 Feb 2025.

1359 is being offered as a commercial buck OR if you are looking for a wether and like him we can band him and your Vet can disbud him.  He is going to be a big boy, picture was taken when he was 9 days old.

UPDATE 25 Feb 2025:  1359 weighed 30 lbs. on 24 Feb 2025 giving him a .39 average daily gain.  His dam weighed 175 lbs. yesterday and his sire weighed 231 lbs. and they are still growing.  


TB07 Meteors Flame *Ennobled* 11/2022
TB07 Logan (SQ)
KMSL ROR1 Smoke Show
BSA Royally Tipsy
KMSL Smokin At The Party
4-L Boer Goats Party Out West (SQ) *Ennobled* 06/2020
KMSL Smokin Power

Bear Creek BC R1359

MCR Let R' Rip (PQ)

Bear Creek BC L1201 Argos Karma

Bear Creek BC M1253 Adeline

Bear Creek BC E896 Argo's Cassidy

Bear Creek BC J1116 Cheetah's Pride
Bear Creek BC E894 Harambe (SQ)
Bear Creek BC B590 Cheetah

KMSL ROR1 Smoke Show

Boer Goat Buck
Price: $3500.00
Born: 01/15/2023
Sire: TB07 Logan (SQ)
Dam: KMSL Smokin At The Party

KMSL ROR1 Smoke Show - Boer Goat Buck

KMSL ROR1 Smoke Show - Boer Goat Buck

Introducing our newest herdsire KMSL ROR1 Smoke Show!!  We put him with our Does on 5 Aug 2024 and his kids started arriving 6 January 2025.  Actually his first born Bear Creek BC R1355 is very high on the list to be our new guy.  

He has a good bite and 1 and 1 teats.

He placed 2nd out of 13 at the National Western Stock Show 1/13/24.

Stay tuned IF you like Smoke's looks as we will for sure offer him for sale in August 2025 BUT, if you need him earlier we can discuss.


Diamond B Boer Calli's Comet *Ennobled* 8/2013
TB07 Meteors Flame *Ennobled* 11/2022
TB07 Logan (SQ)
KKING Meteor Shower
BSA Royally Tipsy
EGGS Fixin' To Party *Ennobled* 11/2014
BSA Pass The Crown *Ennobled* 06/2016

KMSL ROR1 Smoke Show

\ROR1 Eggs Fixin' To Party *Ennobled* 11/2014

4-L Boer Goats Party Out West (SQ) *Ennobled* 6/2016

KMSL Smokin At The Party

4-L Boer Goats Sharp Lil Girl *Ennobled* 07/2019

KMSL Smokin Power (SQ)
Newton Farms Smokin Express C241 *Ennobled* 05/2017
MFR1 2Dox Power Up *Ennobled* 10/2022

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Due to our location, we are able to offer Boer Goats for Sale to people in many states, including Missouri.

Bear Creek Boers

Freman and Connie Elam
Lebanon, MO

Click here to email us


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Boer Goats For Sale in Missouri


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